Unrideable Zebras
Caroll Alvarado
| 06-06-2024

· Animal Team
Horses, these ancient creatures, have been crucial companions to humanity since the dawn of domestication.
Riding horses has paved the way for many chapters in the annals of civilization.
Yet, when we talk about 'horses,' we often overlook a particular species—the zebra. As a member of the equine family, zebras have distinct differences from what we typically refer to as horses. Why can we ride horses but not zebras? This question delves into rich biological, behavioral, and cultural factors.
Biological Differences
Let's first examine the biological differences between horses and zebras. Horses, including donkeys, are the result of long-term human domestication and selective breeding.
Their back structure, bones, and muscles are well-suited for human riding. Human domestication of horses began around 3000 BCE, and over millennia, horses have become indispensable partners in human transportation and agriculture.
In contrast, zebras have significant biological differences from horses. Zebras are wild animals found in the African savanna, and their back structure is not conducive to prolonged riding. Zebras have relatively shorter backs, stiffer spinal bones compared to horses, and muscle structures that are not suited to bear the weight of humans. Attempting to ride a zebra could cause harm to their health, even leading to severe spinal and muscular issues.
Behavioral Characteristics
Horses and zebras also differ greatly in behavior.
Horses have been domesticated over a long period, and they have a strong adaptation to human guidance and commands. In horse culture, through training and domestication, horses have learned how to cooperate with human instructions, bear human weight, and endure long journeys.
However, zebras are wild animals, and their behavior is more natural and instinctual. Zebras' nature is geared towards escaping predators and self-preservation, rather than carrying human weight. Zebras tend to be sensitive and alert, displaying panic or even aggression in unfamiliar environments or with unfamiliar humans. Attempting to harness a wild zebra is undoubtedly a risky venture, as they might react unexpectedly out of fear, posing a threat to humans and themselves.
Cultural Inheritance and Perception
Horses hold significant roles in human history, becoming cavalry, agricultural labor, and modes of transport. Many cultures regard horses as symbols of loyalty and strength, thus forming deep cultural connections with riding horses.
On the other hand, zebras do not hold the same historical status and cultural symbolism as horses. For most people, zebras are more known as iconic animals of the African savanna. Therefore, even though from a biological and behavioral standpoint zebras might not be suitable for riding, the more crucial factor is that there is no established cultural tradition or perception of riding zebras.
While zebras and horses belong to the equine family, they exhibit distinct differences in biology, behavior, and cultural symbolism. Horses, through long-term domestication, have gradually adapted to human riding needs, becoming an integral part of human civilization.
Zebras, as wild animals, have anatomical and behavioral traits that make them unsuitable for riding. Furthermore, cultural inheritance and perception have not led to the widespread practice of riding zebras in human society. Therefore, even though zebras and horses share a common lineage, the inability to ride zebras is also a testament to the harmony between humans and nature.