Mini Earth Ecology
Chandan Singh
| 06-11-2023

· Art Team
Aquarium ecobottle is to put some small animals, and plants in a glass bottle filled with the right amount of water, self-sufficiency, and a short time without adding any food, all living things can survive.
Aquarium eco bottles on the desk, windowsill, coffee table, etc, can become a beautiful indoor scenery.
Eco-bottle is also super easy to make by yourself! Attached will be some simple production processes, the following is a first look at its principle knowledge.
Eco-bottle is a sealed ecosystem, like a super miniature earth.
The EcoBottle consists of a clear glass sphere that may contain shrimp, algae, bacteria, filtered seawater, Gorgonia, rocks, and air.
The rocks in the eco-vase represent the earth's land, which is about two-thirds water and one-third air, with the same energy source of sunlight and, of course, life: shrimps, algae, and bacteria.
The ecological cycle that takes place inside the vial represents a simplified version of the Earth's ecological cycle.
Scientists have discovered that tiny brine shrimp, algae, and snails can survive for a long time in a closed system.
Water plants grow algae through photosynthesis; small fish and shrimp feed on the algae; and nitrifying bacteria break down the shrimp's feces to become nutrients for the water plants.
These three organisms form a symbiotic and self-sufficient "miniature world" in this closed system.
Eco-bottle simple DIY production
Preparation: Water plants (e.g. algae), small aquatic animals (e.g. snails, goldfish, loaches, etc.), water, sand/gravel, glass bottles, petroleum jelly.
Method steps:
1. Bottle treatment
Wash the bottle with hot water, add some baking soda if necessary, and also place a filter at the bottom of the bottle.
This way, the water in the bottle will not become cloudy quickly due to the propagation of bacteria, and there is no need to change the water in the bottle frequently.
2. Fill with water
Put a layer of silt at the bottom of the bottle and fill it with water from natural waters.
Or put 1cm of sand into the bottle instead of silt, and then add water to 4/5 of the volume of the bottle.
If natural water is not available, overnight water can be used instead.
3. Putting in organisms
After the water in the bottle is clarified, put in water plants and aquatic animals.
It is important to note that the plants added to the eco bottle are usually algae.
Fill up the water, planted with water plants in the ecological bottle usually have to wait for a day or two days, so that some of the turbidity in the water to settle down, and then begin to put into the aquatic animals.
4. Capping and sealing
Seal the bottle with a cap and apply petroleum jelly around the cap to seal it.
5. Place the bottle
Place the bottle on a balcony or desk. The aquarium eco-bottle is now complete!